Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

  1. Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

Casio Fx-5800p Survey Programme Calculators. Prices Item: Rm 600 ( no include shipping fee ) Contact: Features: Two way power. Natural testbook display ( Input/Output ) Basic - like program function ( 28500 bytes ) Data communication ( link ) between two Fx-5800p. Multi replay function. E-4 Operating Precautions. Be sure to press the P button on the back of the calculator before using the calculator for the fi rst time. See page 1 for information about the P button.

User Friendly Program

This is the most important thing in order to make the program achieving the objective. Here is one example:

Locate 5,1,I:”JRK=”:”BRG=”>DMS_

It will then output Bearing and distance answer simultaneously without need to prees EXE twice.

This will really help save time at site. In CASIO BASIC today function such as LOCATE, GETKEY will make the program more user friendly interface.

Land Surveyor in Malaysia

Malaysia has a regulation that need title survey to be approve by either a Director of Survey or Licensed Land Surveyor. Whilst other survey not required the approval but sometime may need approval by related body such engineer. This scenario make split the Land Surveyor in Malaysia into ‘LS works’ or ‘construction works’. Some of them have the ability only in either one but a lot of surveyor also able to do both.

Title Survey is just become complicated in tooooo much procedure introduced may b by the regulation itself than expand from day to dayby the need from the civilian to make sure everything is clear and will be no argument for the boundary after Certified Plan has been issued. The procedure is that something make it look boring for me and that why I choose construction.

Both title and construction world occupy by ‘Free Lans’, License Land Surveyor, Consultant, the construction company itself and also by the government (Title-Jupem, JKR-also have their own surveyor technician).

How casio influencing the surveyor…? Is there is no other programmable calculator to be used..? Is the Calculator is really the need in todays surveyor..? I think a calculator in todays surveyor is just for + – only. Built-in program in total station and data logger in windows mobile plattform…..yes they are replacing the job of programmable calculator.

Casio is a machine

Casio is a machine may b used by million of people in the world. Land Surveyor is a part of them used this machine for office and site used. FX603P model is known by most of the surveyor in the world.

Unfortunately this model which was introduced in 1994 now is not in production anymore. People sometime sell the 2nd hand unit up to RM1000. I am not sure for what people want to buy it for that price. If they are going to buy for a collection, then its good because they can show to future people about how nice this machine. But actually most of the people outside there, I mean the land surveyor, they ar buying this model because they cannot change. For them only that calculator give them the shortest way to do work. People takes time to change….but for them who still wan to stay….until when they can stay??

People now start to move to windows mobile…but sometimes this colourful touchscreen might be a pain for them who working under the sun radiation, but for me its not bad. The HP48GX which has RAM card for survey that can be use as data collector now also difficult to get in our country. Here I am inviting people to develop something on this new ultimate machine FX9860G….It may be possible if someone who really want to make this as data logger as a lowcost model.

I think I develop well in casio basic..but still can make improvement to provide 3D calculation…here I was upload a PDF file for my program collection.


Casio 7400G/9860G Land Surveying Program was Uploaded to casiokingdom

Useful formula For Surveyor _ Bearing Distance

(latit/(abs(latit)) * arc cos(dipat/(sqrt(latit^2+dipat^2)))

this will return ….

same as polar function in casio calculator or atan2 function in excel sheet

Bearing – Bearing Intersection


y = mx+ c

m = gradient

c = y axes intersection.

Free programs
for your calculator

Programs for most current Casio models!

Download programs direct from this page for FX7400, CFX9850, FX1.0 and FX2.0 series. All are saved in *.cat format - 100% compatible with the official Casio FA-122/3 PC-Calculator software. Please email charlie @ charliewatson . com if any program fails to perform as expected after checking below for recent de-bugs/updates.

View typical program screens before download... try the Preview Slideshow Previews are very low bandwidth - typically around 5kb. More previews soon.
Please note: slideshow is designed for JavaScript enabled NS.v3+ and IE.v4+ browsers.

No more typing!
Download programs and games straight off the net into your calculator with a mail order PC - Calc cable You can also free up your calculator memory by storing notes, programs, etc on your PC. Also available are calculator to calculator cables.

Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

Free software
Casio Solutions recommends you download the free Casio FA-122 software to use with CFX and FX7400G+ models and FA-123 software if you use an Algebra FX model. (FA-123 will also work with both CFX and FX7400G+ models, but it will corrupt certain commands and text.)

Blame Bill if your programs now think they're security catalogs! Installing IE5 registers the *.cat extension as a security catalog file type - which means double-clicking a program now fails to open it. See technical links for help to restore things the way they were!

How to download! Try one click on the download button. If your FA-122/3 software opens automatically with the programs then fine. If anything else happens (eg white screen full of program code or error message about invalid security catalog) then return to this page, right-click the download button, save the programs onto your computer, start the FA-122/3 software and open the saved programs through the software.

Group 1SizeAuthorLast Updated
Discrete19kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This set of programs was written for the Western Australian Discrete Mathematics course. (Also has copy of NUMSEQS).
Individual programs in these files:
APPreview Finds, solves and tabulates arithmetic progressions. See Graphic Calculator Series by OT Lee for Discrete Mathematics to learn about this program and also GP below.
FINDRULENew! Finds best rule y=f(x) (from linear, power, quadratic or exponential) when at least 2 points stored in List1(x) and List2 (y).
GPPreview Finds, solves and tabulates geometric progressions. See Task 4 - Using the GP program or the link above to OTLee.
GTHDECAYPreviewUpdated! Enter two or more data points to find the equation of exponential growth or decay in the form y = a(r)x
LINEARPreview Equation of a straight line from gradient and point or two points.
MAVUpdated! Enter time series in Lists 1 and 2, set period and this program returns graphs, moving averages, residuals, seasonal components, future values, etc. See Task 3 for worked example.
REPAYNew!Updated! Generates complete loan repayment table (or individual row of table) for typical Discrete problems such as a loan of $1000 at 7%pa is repaid by monthly installments of $80.
Group 2SizeAuthorLast Updated
Calculus13kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This set of programs was written for the Western Australian Calculus course.
Individual programs in these files:
CMPLXNUMPreview Enter complex number z in either cartesian or polar form and then convert between forms, find nth power, list nth roots and evaluate ez.
DOTPRODPreview Dot product of two vectors.
EXACTVALPreview Displays exact values of sin, cos and tan from 0 to 180 degrees.
LOGBASEConverts logs to different bases.
NWTNRAPHPreview First store f(x) in Y1. Program then solves f(x) = 0 using Newton-Raphson method, displaying all iterations.
NWTRPHTTPreview Same as NWTNRAPH but also animates iterations graphically. See Task 5 - Investigating when the iteration fails.
PBISECTReturns equation of perpendicular bisector of two points.
POLYDIVDivides any two polynomials, returning quotient and remainder. See Sheet 11 for worked examples. CFX9850G version.
POLYDIV+Divides any two polynomials, returning quotient and remainder. See Sheet 12 for worked example. CFX9850G+ and later version.
POLYMLT+Multiplies any two polynomials (any order) together. See Sheet 12 for help. CFX9850G+ and later version.
POLYMULTMultiplies any two polynomials (any order) together. See Sheet 11 for worked examples. CFX9850G version.
TRIGSOLVSolves sin, cos or tan(A) = x over your chosen range (in either degrees or radians). Solutions displayed in rows with first column degrees, second column radians and third column exact multiples of pi (where possible).
Group 3SizeAuthorLast Updated
Applicable19kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This set of programs was written for the Western Australian Applicable Mathematics course. (Also has copy of MAV).
Individual programs in these files:
GAUSELIMPreview Gaussian elimination of matrix A, result in matrix R, showing steps.
LINPRGPreview Solves linear programming problems. Enter inequalities, objective function and program does the rest. WARNING: Optimal value is always OK, but not confident this program will always return the correct coordinates - more checking still needed.
MEDIANFinds the median from a grouped frequency table using linear interpolation. See Sheet 15 for a worked example.
PDF+PreviewUpdated! Five probability distributions in one quick program. Calculate, tabulate and plot any normal, exponential, Binomial, Poisson or user defined (any pdf entered in Y1) probabilities. Probabilities now displayed to 5dp instead of 4!
RESIDUALCheck your regression model with this small utility which calculates and plots residuals based on regression of List 2 (y) on List 1 (x).
ROWREDAPreview Reduces matrix A to echelon form, storing result in matrix R and indicating type of solution.
ROWREDTTAs for ROWREDA but also shows steps in reduction. (Though rarely shows a neat path to the reduction!)
Group 4SizeAuthorLast Updated
Odds'n'Ends27kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This is a set of miscellaneous programs and utilities.
Individual programs in these files:
2PT LINENew! Enter coordinates of two points and get gradient, midpoint, distance and equation of line.
BORGSWorks out aerobic exercise heart rate targets for given age, exercise intensity and level of fitness.
GRAPHEQNPractice in working out a and b for y=ax+b from a graph.
INEQSOLVSolves single variable (linear) inequalities of the form ax+b < cx+d.
LATLONGSolves latitude and longditude problems - both distance from A to B or position after travelling xkm from A.
MARKSEnter max mark, then enter student mark(s) for conversion to % and finish with hi mark (>max) to obtain class average.
MEANMEDLittle utility to calculate mean and median for single data set without going into STAT mode.
PERPBSCTCalculates and draws the perpendicular bisector of any two points.
QUADEQNCalculates equation of a parabola from three points.
QUADSOLVPreviewUpdated! Enter quadratic in any form and have it converted into standard, completed square and factored (where possible) forms. Roots (real or complex) given as both exact and decimal values.
RIGHTTRIRight-triangle solver when angle and one of O, A or H is known.
SAVOLSolves surface area and volume problems for most prisms, pyramids, cones, spheres and cylinders.
SIMPLOTSTakes simultaneous equations (2 variables) with coefficients already entered in SOLV SIML [2] and graphs them to assist in interpretation of solution.
SURDSIMPPreview Simplifies several common types of surd expressions.
TRAPRULEIntroduction to finding area beneath a curve using trapeziums. Store function in Y1 first. Uses Lists 1 to 3 for working.
TRISOLVEPreview Enter known sides or angles and TriSolve finds the rest and area. (Including ambiguous case of sin rule).
Group 5SizeAuthorLast Updated
Number5kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
A set of fast running number utilities to speed up those irksome number questions.
Individual programs in these files:
DTFEnter any decimal number to find exact (or nearest) equivalent fraction to tenth decimal place.
FACTORSFinds all factors of a number.
HCFFinds Highest Common Factor for two numbers.
LCMFinds Lowest Common Multiple for two numbers.
NUMSEQSGenerates list of up to 50 terms of Fibonacci sequence or first 250 prime, square or triangle numbers.
PRIME?Determines whether a number is prime or composite.
PRIMFACTFinds all prime factors of a number.
Group 6SizeAuthorLast Updated
Simulations18kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
A set of programs to simulate a variety of situations and hence obtain sets of experimental results.
Individual programs in these files:
BROWNIANSimulates Brownian motion.
COINTOSSSimulation which counts number of H and T when a coin is tossed.
CONHEADSSimulates tossing coin and records runs of consecutive heads. Results displayed in table and graph.
DECAYSimulates radioactive decay of anywhere between 1 to 1000 atoms. Decay continues until all radioactivity has ceased. Results summarised in table and graph.
DICEROLLSimulates rolling a die until a chosen number appears.
DOUBLE6Counts number of double 6's in up to 250 tosses of a pair of dice, recording each toss in Lists 1 and 2.
DRAWCARDVisually simulates drawing cards from a shuffled pack with or without replacement.
GUESSCollects up to 50 student estimates of 5 seconds and puts them into a list for analysis. The worksheet Task 2 - Estimation of 5 seconds - Data collection and Normal distribution illustrates a possible use.
HEADSCumulative probability of tossing a head 99 times. Relative frequency is graphed.
LONGRUNSimulates long run experimental relative frequency for an event with probability P.
ONE DICESimulates tossing a single die up to 96 times. Live update of count.
REACTCollects up to 50 measurements of your reaction times and puts them into a list for statistical analysis. See example worksheet Task 1 - collection and analysis of reaction times.
TOSSESChoose how many coins to toss and how many trials. This simulation then displays the number of heads obtained in a table and graph.
TWO DICESimulation of tossing a pair of dice up to 250 times. Column graph grows as the experiment progresses. Results summarised in table.
Group 7SizeAuthorLast Updated
EA-100 data44kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This set of programs is for use with the EA-100 Data Analyzer. For detailed instructions on using this collection, read the Data Logging page.
Individual programs in these files:
GETDATAThis simple to use program is for data collection using the three probes supplied with the EA-100 data analyzer. If you are new to data logging, then this is the program to start with.
GETDATA2The big brother to GET DATA, allowing the use of any type of probe, any combination of up to 4 probes, individual calibration or conversion equations for all probes and use of one probe to trigger data collection. Real time graph plotting is possible either against time or one probe against another.
GETITEMSingle or paired data collection with a single probe. Each sample is individually triggered from the calculator.
GETPHThis program is specifically for use with the Vernier pH system, allowing real time monitoring and graphing of the pH of solutions over the 0 to 14 range.
GETPULSESpecifically for use with the Vernier heart rate monitor. Allows continuous monitoring and recording of an individuals heart rate using an ear clip.
Group 8SizeAuthorLast Updated
EA-200 data12kbCharlie Watson15/03/2004
This set of programs is for use with the new EA-200 Data Analyzer. For detailed instructions on using this collection, read the Data Logging page.
Individual programs in these files:
EA2PHNew! This program is specifically for use with the Vernier pH system, allowing real time monitoring and graphing of the pH of solutions over the 0 to 14 range.
EA2PULSENew! Specifically for use with the Vernier heart rate monitor. Allows continuous monitoring and recording of an individuals heart rate using an ear clip.
EASY200New! This simple to use program is for data collection using the three probes supplied with the EA-200 data analyzer. If you are new to data logging, then this is the program to start with.
Group 9SizeAuthorLast Updated
Kissane6kbBarry Kissane2/07/2000
The source of most of these programs is Chapter 12 (Programming) in the book More Mathematics With A Graphics Calculator by Barry Kissane. (See Books). They are fairly short and intended to help you understand the basics of programming. See book for full details of programs.
Individual programs in these files:
ARCHIMEDCalculate an approximation for pi based on Archimedes.
BINPROBMakes Binomial probability distribution table.
CALENDARReturns the day of week from the date.
CARDSSimulates collecting complete set of n cards. (Eg collector cards in cereal).
COIN60 simulations of tossing coin n times. Number of heads in List1.
DEPLOTFinds differential equation solution graphically using step method.
DIFFLISTStores differences of values in List1 into List2.
DIRECFLDDraws direction field for differential equation. Formula in Y1.
DISPLAYTime v temperature data recording with EA100 unit.
FACTORSFinds set of prime factors of n for n>10.
MANDLBRTDraws user chosen part of Mandelbrot set.
SAMPDISTSelects random sample from data stored in List1.
SAMPLECreates random samples of data with chosen probability.
Group 10SizeAuthorLast Updated
Ziv9kbAlan Ziv2/07/2000
These programs are also posted in *.zip format on the USA site The Casio Classroom, hosted by University of Central Florida.
Individual programs in these files:
AMORTIZEComputes the standard amortization calculations.
CMPLXPWRFinds any power of a complex number.
CMPLXRTFinds and displays the n complex solutions of zn = c.
DBLINTApproximates a double integral numerically.
EULERPlots the Euler's method solution of a differential equation.
FUNDTHMNumerically solves the differential equation and plots the antiderivative.
IMPGRAPHPlots the implicitly defined graph given by F(x, y) = 0.
LINPROGSolves a linear programming problem by the simplex method.
PRIMEDetermines whether a number is prime or composite.
PRIMFACTReports the prime factors of a number and their multiplicity.
RIEMANNApproximates an integral by a Riemann sum.
ROWREDARow reduces Matrix A to reduced row echelon form.
SLOPEFLDGraphs the slope field of a differential equation.
TRIPLINTApproximates a triple integral numerically.

Casio Fx 5800p Surveying Programs

There are 2 ways to download all the above sets of programs for all calculator models:
DOWNLOAD ALL PROGRAMS - (, an 84k zip file - you'll need to unzip using Winzip software or similar into original *.cat format.
DOWNLOAD ALL PROGRAMS - (cat.exe), a 110k self-extracting archive if you don't have an unzipping utility. Save into your FA-122 folder and then double click the file to automatically create a folder called 'cworks' containing all original sets in *.cat format.