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PowerFactory 2019 includes new and enhanced calculation functions and models, graphics and security features as well as performance improvements.

As usual, you will find all detailed information in the user manual and supporting technical documentation that is delivered with the software.

Major developments in PowerFactory 2019 are:

    This new tool allows you to easily complement your traditional network simulation with a market simulation, without any need for an external tool. This new module solves the unit commitment problem over a predefined period of time, while optimising the operating point of the dispatched generators such to minimise overall operating costs.
    This new feature achieves a major milestone, as it allows you to carry out a co-simulation using RMS and EMT models within the same tool, and even with individual time steps. In addition, the parallelisation of the time-domain simulation in PowerFactory 2019 considerably increases performance. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out a co-simulation with any third party simulation tool via a standardised interface.
    This new tool allows the identification of the amount of generation and consumption that can be connected to distribution feeders without violation of system constraints and without any network expansion. Hence given a performance or system robustness index, the function can automatically identify the hosting capacity of the feeder and report the results according to various criteria.
    Additional features, such as new password security rules, authentication modes, idle session time-out and privacy settings, to support your compliance with general data protection regulations.

Further significant enhancements include:

  • P-Q diagrams of distance starting units
  • Introduction of a fast AC linearised Contingency Analysis method
  • Additional graphical representations for sites and bays
  • Improved Layers concept for diagrams
  • User-Defined Classes, extending the existing Data Extensions concept

Digsilent Power Factory Crack For Windows Download

  • New combined instrument (current and voltage) transformer model
  • New series surge arrester model
  • Developments for the modelling of saturation and hysteresis curves
  • HVDC model enhancements for reverse power flow
  • Support of Python 3.7

The new and improved models and functions in PowerFactory 2019 continue the process of enhancement and development which ensures that PowerFactoryremains an ideal tool for a wide range of network planning and operational studies, from small micro-grids to large transmission and distribution networks, including HVDC and renewable technologies.

We wish you continuing success with DIgSILENT PowerFactory.

Inside the file PF132B339.rar, there are two files, an executable PF132B339.exe is installer , digsilent337.rar is crack.

1. Run the installer and the window appears choose the option q PowerFactory13.2 according to the license agreement.

1.Ejecutamos el instalador y en la ventana q aparece escogemos la opcion PowerFactory 13.2 _Full Version according to the license agreement. _full Version

2. In the window sigte there are 2 options:

2.En la sigte ventana hay 2 opciones:2.1 Primero escogemos Hardlock Device Driver (si no instalas este controlador ocurre q cuando intentas correr el digsilent aparece un mensaje indicando q no encuentra la licencia por lo q no funca la instalación.

2.1 choose Hardlock Device Driver (if you do not install this driver happens when you try to run the q digsilent q get a message saying the license is not so FuncA q no installation.

2.2 Luego de instalado el drivers, escogemos b]PowerFactory 13.2[/b].

2.2 After installing the drivers, choose b] PowerFactory 13.2 [/ b].

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2.2.1 Cuando aparece la ventana 'Idioma', escogemos el idioma en q va a funcar el programa.

2.2.1 When the window 'Language', choose the language in q will func the program. I chose Spanish. (I reach qa q despite the application to run in Spanish, the help will appear in English). Aunq if they can choose any language, but this more for the q does not understand either German or English. (this made no difference)

Yo escogi español.(hago el alcance qa pesar de q la aplicación corra en español, la ayuda aparecera en Inglés).Aunq si quieren pueden elegir todos los idiomas, pero esta de más para el q no entiende ni alemán ni inglés.(esto no influye)2.2.2 Luego ingresan el nro de serie (esta en el bloc de notas Serial de la carpeta Digsilent337.rar.

2.2.2 After entering the serial nro (this in the notebook Serial Digsilent337.rar folder.

2.2.2 Siguiendo eligen la carpeta de instalación (por defecto C:DIgSILENTpf132b339).

2.2.2 Following choose the installation folder (default C: DIgSILENT pf132b339).

2.2.3 Completada la instalación hacemos click en Terminar

2.2.3 Upon completion of the installation we click Finish


3. Then we go to the WinZip Self-Extractor window - PF132B339.exe, and choose 'Cancel' (to close this window)

Luego podemos ir a la ventana WinZip Self-Extractor - PF132B339.exe , y escogemos 'Cancel' (para cerrar esta ventanita)3.1 Aparecera un cuadro q dice basicamente: q el instalador se esta ejecutando, yq si cancelamos ahora los archivos temporales no serán eliminados.

Q 3.1 a dialog box will basically said: q the installer is running, if we cancel now yq temporary files not be deleted. q as I understand the program already installed may suggest q clikear 'Yes'. (I say this as it tried installing more than once and if I chose, and another time I chose not to, and the same func).

como yo entiendo q el programa ya se instalo puedo sugerir q clikean 'Si'.(digo esto pues probe instalarlo más de una vez y una elegí si, y en otra oportunidad elegí no, e igual funco).4.

4. Now paste it into the installation folder (default C: DIgSILENT pf132b339) the following files:

Ahora pegamos en la carpeta de instalación (por defecto C:DIgSILENTpf132b339) los siguientes archivos:1-DigEmulator.exe




ambos están en la carpeta Digsilent337.rar.

both are in the folder Digsilent337.rar.

4.1 ahí ejecutamos el archivo 1-DigEmulator.exe.

4.1 execute the file there 1-DigEmulator.exe. (this is a program DigSilent Patch (patch) for Windows 2000 and XP).

(este es un programa DigSilent Patch (Parche) para windows 2000 y XP).4.2 Al finalizar nos dira q es necesario reiniciar.

4.2 At the end we have to restart q dira. We selected No.

Elegimos No.4.3 Vamos a la carpeta de instalación y abrimos el archivo 2-DigHLD_Install.bat (este es un archivo por lote de windows)

4.3 Let the installation folder and open the file 2-DigHLD_Install.bat (this is a windows batch file)

4.4 Ahora si reiniciamos.

4.4 Now if you reboot.


5. You run the DigSilent started, we request a user name, default is Demo. I kept this and I clicked OK

Ya iniciado ejecutamos el DigSilent, nos pedira un nombre de usuario, por defecto es Demo.Digsilentyo mantuve este y hice click en Ok5.1 nos pedira crear (o actualizar) una base de datos, decimos q Si.

5.1 shows asked to create (or upgrade) a database, say q Yes. is delayed somewhat.

se demora un tanto.5.2 y por fin aparece el tan anhelado programota.

5.2 and finally the much anticipated programot appears.


6. Let's Help, by clicking on About PowerFactory, and the window says q is a version for an unlimited number of bars.

Vamos a Ayuda , clikeamos en Acerca de PowerFactory , y la ventanita nos dice q es una versión para un Ilimitado número de barras .7.

Digsilent Power Factory Crack For Windows Free

7. Then we can go to File and follow with examples and choose anyone.

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Luego podemos ir a Archivos y seguimos con Ejemplos y escogemos cualquiera.